February 19, 2024

Deviated Septums and Broken Noses & Cranial Facial Release (CFR)

If you're one of the many people struggling with a deviated septum or the aftermath of a broken nose, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with constant congestion and breathing difficulties. It's like trying to run a marathon with a stuffy nose – not fun! But what if we told you there's a gentle, non-invasive treatment that might help you breathe easier? Enter Cranial Facial Release (CFR).

What is a Deviated Septum?

First, let's break down what a deviated septum actually is. Imagine a thin wall dividing your nostrils – that's your nasal septum. When this wall gets displaced to one side (usually from an injury or just the way your nose developed), it can limit airflow and cause all sorts of annoying symptoms like congestion, difficulty breathing, and even facial pain. It's like having a crooked partition in your nose!

How CFR Addresses Structural Issues

Now, here's where CFR comes in. This unique approach focuses on the bones of your face and skull, aiming to optimize their alignment and restore structural integrity. It's like giving your facial bones a gentle nudge back into place! By addressing these misalignments, CFR may help open up your nasal passages and make breathing a bit easier.

Improving Drainage and Reducing Congestion

If you've ever had a broken nose, you know the pain and discomfort that comes with it. But even after the initial healing, you might experience lingering effects like poor drainage in your sinuses. CFR works to enhance the natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid (the liquid that circulates around your brain and spinal cord) by releasing restrictions in your cranial bones. This may help improve drainage in your nasal passages, reducing that pesky congestion.

Releasing Tension and Promoting Flexibility

When you've had a nasal injury, it's common to have residual tension and tightness in the surrounding tissues. Imagine a rubber band that's been stretched too far – it loses its flexibility. CFR practitioners use gentle techniques to release this tension, which may provide relief from discomfort associated with a deviated septum or nasal trauma. It's like giving your nose a much-needed massage!

Balancing Your Body's Natural Rhythm

CFR is thought to influence your autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is like the conductor of your body's orchestra. The ANS plays a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, including those related to your nasal function. By promoting balance within the ANS, CFR may help create a more harmonious state within your body, potentially reducing symptoms associated with a deviated septum.


If you're tired of constantly battling congestion and breathing difficulties due to a deviated septum or a history of a broken nose, Cranial Facial Release may be worth exploring. This gentle, non-invasive approach aims to optimize the alignment of your facial bones, promote better drainage, and release tension in the nasal tissues. While research on its specific efficacy is ongoing, many individuals have found relief through CFR.

Remember, everyone's situation is unique, so it's crucial to consult with a qualified chiropractor to determine if CFR is right for you. With a personalized treatment plan and a little patience, you may be on your way to breathing easier and feeling more comfortable in your own skin (and nose!).

So, if you're ready to give your nose some much-needed TLC, consider giving Cranial Facial Release a try. Your nasal passages (and your overall well-being) will thank you.

Dr. Scott Mitchell

About the author

Dr. Scott Mitchell, a Boston-accented chiropractor with a passion for holistic health,dedicates his life to helping people unlock their LIMITLESS potential through personalized chiropractic care.